Auditoriums are specially designed spaces with specific attributes that allow for a comfortable and immersive experience for viewers. The criteria of an auditorium include features such as room size, the number and type of chairs, the number of entry and exit points, acoustics, lighting, sound absorption, height differences between audience and performers, decorations for building atmosphere, visibility from each seat, and the presence of an adjustable stage.
Auditoriums are designed to provide a space for large numbers of people. They are usually very large, multi-tiered and often need to have an elevated stage/dais floor, special lighting equipment and other features to meet the acoustical requirements and seating/sightline needs of the audience. Common design objectives for auditoriums include items such as seating capacity, acoustic insulation and the use of appropriate materials for sound reflection.

“The success of any performance rests largely on the relationship of the audience to the performance. We, humans, love to experience story-telling: whether an intimate theatre piece, a booming cacophony of symphonic music, or a great battle of sports teams on the field, we are hard-wired for engaging with performance. "When designing any venue, the intended types of performance provide clues about the shape and size of the room, the desired feeling of intimacy and collective engagement, and the overall distribution of seats within the room as related to the performers on stage.”
We help you design just the right type of space as per your requirements.